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helpful resources

Breathwork techniques:

Wim Hoff, Ayurvedic breathing exercises pranayama, holotropic, shamanic and transformational styles. 

Below are some basic introductions for Wim Hoff and more Pranayama styles.

For the holotropic, shamanic and transformational styles I strongly advise to speak with a trained professional to see if you are ready and healthy enough to proceed. Even for Wim Hoff styles they are not recommend for people with certain heart or asthmatic conditions without speaking to a medical professional. 

Kate is certified in the style of pranayama breath work and group guided meditation. Certification ISSA 2021

Kate That's How U Feel

social media accounts to follow

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List of great social media accounts to follow for various spiritual/holistic related information. 







































Services Resources

EFT Tapping, Transformational Coaching, Addiction/CoDependency Recovery

Dr. Tanya Chase (San Francisco)

Quantum Energy Healing

Daniel Duron

Bodywork and Theta Energy Healing, Trauma Informed Breath work 

Heather Udomrat

emotional guidance scale
other resources


Codependency Breakdown   

Emotional Guidance Scale 

Kate's Reading List
Perspective Shifts

Just a few to get you started on seeing things through a new lens. 

"Conscious Loving" by Gay and Kathleen Hendricks


"The Big Leap" Gay Hendricks


"Think Like a Monk" Jay Shetty


"Big Magic" Elizabeth Gilbert


"Spiritual Growth" Sanaya Roman


"The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle


"A New Earth" Eckhart Tolle


"The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz

"Mediations" Marcus Aurelius

"Guns, Germs and Steel" Jared Diamond

"Men without Women"

Haruki Murakami


"The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho

"The Zahir" Paulo Coelho

"The Tao Te Ching" (any translation version, I enjoy Stephen Mitchell's translation.

"Bhagavad Gita" (any translation version, I enjoy Stephen Mitchell's translation.

"Inward" Yung Pueblo

"Consciousness Explained" Daniel Dennett

"David and Goliath" Malcom Gladwell

"Outliers" Malcom Gladwell

"Blink" Malcom Gladwell

"The Pilgrims Progress" John Bunyan

"Seriously, God?" Michael White and Tom Corcoran

"Carl Jung Knowledge in a Nutshell" Gary Bobroff

"The 48 Laws of Power" Robert Greene

"The Art of War" Sun Tzu

"The Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith

"Ask and It Is Given" Esther and Jerry Hicks

"Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl

"The Journey of Humanity" Oded Galor

"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" Mark Manson

"The War of Art" Steven Pressfield

"Crime and Punishment" Fyodor Doystoyevsky

Please message me with your book suggestions I am always looking for new books to read

Videos and Other Media

"Sense 8"  TV Show

"What Dreams May Come" Movie


"Pinocchio" Guillermo Del Toro's Version Movie


"The Truman Show" Movie


"Lucy" Movie


"Everything Everywhere All At Once" Movie


"Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" Movie


"The Celestine Prophecy" Movie


"The Matrix Series" Movies


"Waking Life" Movie


"Ram Dass: Fierce Grace" Movie


"The Holy Mountain" Movie



"Journey of Remembering"

"It's all about becoming the Matrix"

"What does it feel like to spiritually awaken?"

"Awakening the Shakti Within"

"How to master your dark side"

"What are your chakras?"

"Life is a mirror"

"The 7 Hermetic Principles of The Kybalion Explained"

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