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Suggested Reading List

Suggested Reading

Kate's Reading List Perspective Shifts

Just a few to get you started on seeing things through a new lens. 


"Think Like a Monk" Jay Shetty 

"Spiritual Growth" Sanaya Roman 

"The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle 

"A New Earth" Eckhart Tolle 

"Inward" Yung Pueblo

"Consciousness Explained" Daniel Dennett

"The Pilgrims Progress" John Bunyan

"Seriously, God?" Michael White and Tom Corcoran

"Ask and It Is Given" Esther and Jerry Hicks

"Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl

"The Journey of Humanity" Oded Galor

"The Rule of Benedict" Joan Chittister


"Conscious Loving" by Gay and Kathleen Hendricks 

"The Big Leap" Gay Hendricks 

"Carl Jung Knowledge in a Nutshell" Gary Bobroff

"The 48 Laws of Power" Robert Greene

"The Art of War" Sun Tzu

"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" Mark Manson

"The War of Art" Steven Pressfield


"Big Magic" Elizabeth Gilbert 

"The Artists Way" Julia Cameron


"The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz​

"Mediations" Marcus Aurelius​

The Tao Te Ching" (any translation version, I enjoy Stephen Mitchell's translation.

"Bhagavad Gita" (any translation version, I enjoy Stephen Mitchell's translation.

"Crime and Punishment" Fyodor Doystoyevsky

"As A Man Thinketh" James Allen

"The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho

"1984" George Orwell

"The Teachings of Don Juan" Carlos Casteneda


"Guns, Germs and Steel" Jared Diamond​

"David and Goliath" Malcom Gladwell

"Outliers" Malcom Gladwell

"Blink" Malcom Gladwell

"The Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki

"Your Next 5 Moves" Patrick Bet-David

"Increase Your Financial IQ" Robert Kiyosaki


"Men without Women"Haruki Murakami ​​

"The Zahir" Paulo Coelho"

"Cat's Craddle" Kurt Vonnegut

"Slaughter House Five" Kurt Vonnegut


Please message me with your book suggestions I am always looking for new books to read

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